where as
Union All is used to select all values including
duplicates from the tables
both UNION ALL and UNION distinct use temporary table for result generation.
The difference in execution speed comes from the fact UNION requires internal temporary table with index (to skip duplicate rows) while UNION ALL will create table without such index.
Interesting enough the fact UNION and UNION ALL require temporary table can only be seen in SHOW STATUS - EXPLAIN does not want to tell you this shameful fact.
duplicates from the tables
both UNION ALL and UNION distinct use temporary table for result generation.
The difference in execution speed comes from the fact UNION requires internal temporary table with index (to skip duplicate rows) while UNION ALL will create table without such index.
Interesting enough the fact UNION and UNION ALL require temporary table can only be seen in SHOW STATUS - EXPLAIN does not want to tell you this shameful fact.
In fact EXPLAIN output is the same for UNION and UNION ALL
Q: is UNION ALL indeed faster than UNION DISTINCT (the UNION is shortcut for UNION DISTINCT) ?
A: yes it is.
Union vs. Union All
In simple we can say that
1. union is used to select distinct values from two
tables,where as union all is used to select all values
including duplicates from the tables.
2. The UNION operator allows you to combine the results of
two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. The
result sets combined using UNION must all have the same
structure. They must have the same number of columns, and
the corresponding result set columns must have compatible
data types.By default, the UNION operator removes duplicate
rows from the result set. If you use UNION ALL, all rows
are included in the results and duplicates are not removed.