Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Install phpmyadmin to operate MySQL from web

In my last post, we saw how to setup a LAMP on AWS. Let's have a look into how to install phpmyadmin on your linux server.

To install phpmyadmin to operate MySql from web browser, web server is needed.

Steps to install phpmyadmin:
1. yum -y install phpMyAdmin php-mysql php-mcrypt
2. vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
3. Add IP address you allow on line #14
Allow from
4. Close Editor
5. Reload the httpd process
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd reload

Once you are successfully run the above 6 steps, phpmyadmin is installed on your server.

Now we will see how we can access phpmyadmin.

Access to 'http://(your hostname or IP address)/(alias name you set)/' with web browser.
Alias name is by default 'phpmyadmin'.

When you enter above url on browser, it will ask you the login credentials for MySql user.
You can enter MySql user login credentials, can able to see phpmyadmin dashboard.

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